When it comes to Lexus service, our team at Lexus of Valencia always has your back. Not only are our service experts there to provide routine care and services like oil changes, tire rotations, and battery inspections, but we’re also sharing tips and tricks for keeping your vehicle safe between appointments.

If you experience a breakdown on your next ride, you don’t have to worry; Lexus of Valencia is here to help.   

What to Do If Your Car Breaks Down

Breakdowns happen for many different reasons, and the more you know about emergency Lexus care, the better. Here are some steps you’ll want to take if your vehicle breaks down:

  • Put on your hazards. It’s essential that other drivers around you know what’s happening. As soon as you realize something is wrong, turn on your hazard lights so other drivers can keep their distance.  
  • Get to safety. Once your hazards are on, the most important thing you can do is remove yourself and your vehicle from the dangerous situation. Pull your car over to the side of the road, preferably a flat surface, and get as far away from traffic as possible.  
  • Make sure your vehicle is stable. It’s a good idea to check your wheels and employ your emergency brake once you’re out of traffic. This is especially important if you’re not in a flat location.  
  • Make yourself visible. Popping the hood can inform other drivers that you are broken down, so they know to keep their distance. You can also make yourself more visible with flares and reflectors if possible. 
  • Call for help. Once you’re safe, call your roadside assistance team or a local towing company. Then, schedule an appointment at Lexus of Valencia to get the service that will put your vehicle back on the road.  

To get the service you and your Lexus vehicle deserve, schedule an appointment at Lexus of Valencia today.