Lexus of Valencia is dedicated to keeping you safe on the open road. That’s why we’re sharing tips for safely navigating fall driving conditions so you can enjoy every drive with enhanced peace of mind. Learn best practices for driving safely this season at Lexus of Valencia.

Prepare Your Vehicle

Preparing your vehicle correctly is the best way to ensure safe driving all season long. In the fall months, it gets dark earlier and stays dark for longer, so you want to ensure maximum visibility when you get behind the wheel. It’s also a good idea to inspect the battery following the hot summer weather and ensure your tires have enough traction for safely driving over slippery falling leaves.

Use Your Fog Lights

In the fall months, you may see more fog out on the road, especially at the start and end of the day. Driving in low visibility conditions can be challenging, so you want to utilize your fog lights, along with your regular headlights, calibrating and replacing each as needed.

Watch for Migrating Animals

The fall is also a period with a lot of animal activity since animals are migrating to hibernate or find food and shelter for the winter. Because of this, there’s a higher risk of seeing animals on the road and an increased need to take care on rural and mountain roads, where animals may be less cautious.

Schedule Fall Service at Lexus of Valencia

No matter your fall driving needs, Lexus of Valencia is here for you. Visit our dealership for more information on how to drive safely through the season and to schedule the autumn Lexus service that will protect you all year long.